Christmas card 2024

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!! Best wishes for a happy holiday season and a sincere thanks for all the goodwill throughout the year.
Semicon Power skifter selskabsform

Som led i at synliggøre for både kunder og leverandører, at Semicon Power er en stærk og konsolideret samarbejdspartner og virksomhed, har vi skiftet ApS ud med A/S. Med baggrund i Semicon Powers regnskab for 2022/2023, som viste at Semicon Power er en sund og veldrevet virksomhed i vækst, besluttede ejerkredsen at tiden var til at skifte anpartsselskabsformen ud med aktieselskabsformen og dermed oprette en fungerende bestyrelse, hvor vi i første omgang har budt velkommen til Kim Hecht Petersen (invester og direktør i Soldana Emballage) og forventer at opruste med flere gode kræfter i den kommende tid. Rejsen fortsætter i 2023/2024 og her kigger vi ind i et regnskabsår, hvor forventningen er en vækst på min. 50%. Vi forventer ligeså at byde nye partnerskaber velkommen, både som primære forhandlere, men også i mere strategiske sammenhænge. Semicon Power kigger ind i et spændende og interessant år, hvor vi bl.a. også vil deltage som udstiller på EL&TEKNIK 2024 i Odense.
EL & TEKNIK 2024

Vi glæder os til at se dig på EL&TEKNIK 2024. Du finder os i Arenaen på stand 6507. Du kan anvende dette link til at tilmelde og printe din billet til messe: På vores stand vil vi have UPS anlæg, Batterier og Ladesystemer udstillet. Vi tager også gerne en snak om el-tavler, Ex materiel og el-dokumentation mv. Vi ser frem til jeres besøg. Mvh. Semicon Power
Merry Christmas from Semicon Power

Semicon Power wishes you a Merry Christmas 2023 and hope your wishes may be fulfilled.
Providing green to the offshore industry

Semicon Power has for the last few months been very active in the Danish offshore industry providing green 🌱 secure power solutions for the critical oil and gas infrastructure. We always aim to deliver a high standard, not only with our products, panels etc. but also when it comes to safety. On our last trip to Halfdan Bravo for installation of new chargers, our effort was recognized and we got awarded for our appliance to the safety regulations on the platform. We are very happy to receive the recognition awarded to us and will continue to have safety as a priority in our work. TotalEnergies #safetyfirst
We moved to a new location

We have outgrown our old location in Skovlunde, therefore we moved to a new location in Allerød. The new address is: Gydevang 4b, 3450 Allerød Denmark
Merry Christmas to you all

Best wishes for a happy holiday season and a sincere thanks for all the goodwill in our first year as a company. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for doing business with us and to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season. Thanks for all your support throughout our first year as a company. All the best for 2023.
Welcome to Semicon Power ApS

Welcome to Semicon Power ApS, which has just been established, primo September 2022. We hope you will enjoy venturing our website, which is in the very early stage and therefore more products will be added during the next months, focusing mainly on the environment and sustainable solutions. To be working with sustainable solutions is a constant challenge, as new products are developed and those new products may need design changes in the early stage.Semicon Power are using well known designs that’s already been available and trialed for many years in the Industry. These components are not the cheapest when looking at the direct cost, however, they will achieve a break-even within a short period of time and save a lot of energy and Co2 during their life-time.